Ahmad Faisal Al-Saiedi


Position: Judge of the Appellate Court, Maysan
Atrocity: Assassinated
Date & Place of Atrocity: February 5, 2022, Al-Amarah
Perpetrator: Hassan Trad Ghalim – Asa’ib Ahl Al-Haq Militia

Ahmad Faisal al-Saedi was the Judge of the Appellate Court in Maysan and specialized in narcotics-related cases. On February 5, 2022, Judge al-Saedi was driving back home in the city of Al-Amarah, the capital of Maysan, when gunmen led by Hassan Trad Ghalim, a member of the Asa’ib Ahl Al-Haq (AAH) PMF militia, blocked his route and sprayed his vehicle with over 15 bullets that hit his head and chest, resulting in his assassination.

Judge al-Saedi had previously refused to deal with and accept bribes from Ghalim and instead  referred to the drug-trafficking activities of AAH during a trial. Ghalim, who was arrested a week later on February 12, 2022, owns a farm on the Iraqi Al-Sheeb border crossing with Iran, where he used to smuggle drugs from Iran into Iraq prior to his arrest.

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