Harith Jabbar


Position: Judge of the Trial Court, Maysan
Atrocity: Attempted Assassination
Date & Place of Atrocity: September 30, 2021, Al-Amarah
Perpetrator: Hassan Trad Ghalim – Asa’ib Ahl Al-Haq Militia

On September 30, 2021, Judge of the Maysan Trial Court Harith Jabbar suffered an assassination attempt in Al-Amarah city in Maysan province. According to an anonymous source, “unknown gunmen attacked him with personal handguns, while in his car heading to work in downtown Al-Amarah.” The source explained that “material damage was caused to the judge’s car as a result of gunshots, but he was not injured,” stating that “a security force arrived at the scene and opened a preliminary investigation into the circumstances.” 

It was later revealed that PMF militia Asa’ib Ahl Al-Haq (AAH) member Hassan Trad Ghalim attempted to assassinate Jabbar. The judge had issued an arrest warrant against Ghalim and had mentioned that AAH had been involved in the kidnapping of Hajj Juma Omar.

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